Foundry Year Country Trials Student Discount Custom Typefaces Newsletter
Grillitype Grillitype 2009 CHE × × ×
Tüpokompanii Tüpokompanii 2022 EST × × ×
Dinamo Dinamo 2013 DEU, CHE × × ×
Emtype Foundry Emtype Foundry 2002 ESP × × ×
Velvetyne Velvetyne 2010 FRA × × -
A2-Type A2-Type 2010 GBR - - -
Florian Karsten Florian Karsten 2018 CZE × × ×
205TF 205TF 2017 FRA × - -
Fatype Fatype 2012 CHE × × ×
TypeMates TypeMates 2015 DEU × × ×
Indian Type Foundry Indian Type Foundry 2009 IND × × ×
Resistenza Type Resistenza Type 2008 ITA, ESP - - ×
Letters from Sweden Letters from Sweden 2011 SWE × - ×
Dalton Maag Dalton Maag 1991 GBR × - ×
Open Foundry Open Foundry GBR × × -
Ohno Ohno 2015 USA × - ×
Colophon Colophon 2009 GBR, USA × - ×
Maxitype Maxitype 2020 CHE × × ×
Fontshop Fontshop 1990 DEU - × ×
Retype Retype 2007 NLD × - ×
Use & Modify Use & Modify FRA - - -
ECAL Typefaces ECAL Typefaces 2015 CHE × - -
Show Me Fonts Show Me Fonts 2023 DEU × × ×
Yep! Type Foundry Yep! Type Foundry 2024 PRT × - -
Paavola Type Studio Paavola Type Studio 2014 FIN × × ×
Swiss Typefaces Swiss Typefaces 2006 CHE × × ×
Erkin Karamemet Erkin Karamemet 2019 DEU × × ×
scifipoetry scifipoetry 2023 DEU × - ×
Altiplano Altiplano 2019 CHE × × ×
Nguyen Gobber Nguyen Gobber 2020 AUT × - ×
pangrampangram pangrampangram 2015 CAN × × ×
Revolver Revolver 2017 DEU × - ×
Zetafonts Zetafonts 2001 ITA × × ×
Schick Toikka Schick Toikka 2010 FIN, DEU × - ×
Production Type Production Type 2014 CHN, FRA × × ×
Camelot Camelot DEU × - ×
Studio Rene Bieder Studio Rene Bieder 2012 DEU × - ×
Threedotstype Threedotstype 2017 POL × - ×
Extraset Extraset 2020 CHE × - ×
Bureau Brut Bureau Brut 2015 FRA × × ×
Razzia Type Razzia Type 2016 CHE × × ×
Nouvelle Noire Nouvelle Noire 2012 CHE × × ×
Tour de Force Font Foundry Tour de Force Font Foundry 2009 SRB - × ×
ArrowType ArrowType USA × × ×
HvD Fonts HvD Fonts 2008 DEU - - ×
Type of Feeling Type of Feeling 2024 USA × - ×
Binnenland Binnenland 2007 CHE - - -
Atypical Atypical 2015 GRC × × ×
Identity Letters Identity Letters 2020 DEU × × ×
Tipografies Tipografies 2010 ESP - - -
Huerta Tipográfica Huerta Tipográfica 2009 ARG - - ×
ROHH ROHH 2013 POL × - ×
LudwigType LudwigType 2007 DEU × × ×
Luzi Type Luzi Type 2013 CHE × × ×
Displaay Displaay 2016 CZE × × ×
Caron Twice Fonts Caron Twice Fonts 2019 CZE × - ×
Process Process 2002 USA - - ×
Underware Underware 1999 NLD - × ×
Hoefler&Co. Hoefler&Co. 1989 USA - - ×
Sharp Type Sharp Type 2015 FRA, CHE × - ×
Supertype Supertype DEU - - ×
a.Foundry a.Foundry 2023 DNK × - ×
Blaze Type Blaze Type 2016 FRA × × ×
Optimo Optimo 1998 CHE - - ×
Capitalics Capitalics POL - - ×
Ultra Kuhl Ultra Kuhl 2018 DEU × × ×
Commercial Commercial 2007 GBR, USA - - ×
Azuliq Type Azuliq Type 2022 DEU - × ×
Fontwerk Fontwerk 2019 DEU × × ×
Reset Type Studio Reset Type Studio 2023 URY × × ×
nice to type nice to type 2017 JPN × × ×
DJR DJR 2016 USA × × ×
Type-Ø-Tones Type-Ø-Tones 1990 ESP - × ×
Jonas Type Jonas Type 2021 DEU × × -
Future Fonts Future Fonts 2017 USA - - -
Laïc Laïc 2018 POL × × ×
Klim Klim 2005 NZL × - ×
Lineto Lineto 1994 CHE × × ×
Frere-Jones Frere-Jones 2015 USA - - ×
Fontfarm Fontfarm 2006 DEU - - ×
Milieu Grotesque Milieu Grotesque 2010 PRT × × -
Branding with Type Branding with Type 2015 ESP × - ×
TypeTogether TypeTogether 2006 CZE - × ×