- Optimised mobile table layout: The first column containing the foundry name now sticks to the left side of the screen if the table is scrolled horizontally
- Changed backend structure of the field »Countries« to contain all countries in a searchable list
- Optimised display and selection of the field »Countries« in the frontend submission form
- Added feature to display the whole website in one random typeface of a preselected collection
- Introduction of a effect which displays each letter that is entered into the search form as a big letter at the center of the viewport for a brief time
- Optimised the hover effect of table rows: If a user hovers over a row for more than 1 second a locked in effect (quick flash) appears
- Reviewed and published around 40 user submissions of foundries
- Optimised height of rows of the foundries table for consistency
- Added tooltip to cells of the foundry table
- Changed the Dark/Bright-Mode toggle from a CSS-Switch to a text based unicode symbol: ◒
- Changed the favicon of the website to ◒
- Minimised the color scheme to pure black and white (bright mode had a teal and dark mode a yellow highlight colour before)
- Changed URL of the website from typefoundries.de to typefoundries.info
- Added 9 foundries to the directory
- Launch of typefoundries.de
- Introduction of the foundries table
- Introduction of search functionality using Relevanssi
- Introduction of the features name, founding year, country of origin, trial typefaces, educational discounts, custom typefaces and newsletter.
- Introduction of a form to submit a foundry to the directory
- Dark and Bright Mode